I think JJ, Kully, and others may be a bit confused about what this forum is for, or maybe I don't understand what the forum's for.
To me, the forum's for getting help when my car's gone wrong, and having a chat with like minded people i.e. Cougar owners on-line. Meets(for me at least) are for us Cougar owners to get together, and share our cars and experiences. Which is why I (I can't speak for Rachel, she's asleep) attend Ford Fair, and will definitely attend Harewood in the future. Don't get me wrong, I understand there's a social scene, if it wasn't for that I'd never have met Rachel, but there has to be a line drawn.
Cougarfest has never been a draw for me, for the reason that the Cougar isn't the reason everyone gets together, it's just to get trollied. Now as much as I like a drink, I'd rather do it in the company of people that know me when I'm in that state, and if I'm going to THE Cougar meet, I'd rather be more focused on the commonality that's brought us all together, i.e. the car, so for me I'ed want to be out on a 'Cougar cruise' if you will, rather than just parking up my car on Friday evening/Saturday morning, and it not moving again until it's time to go home.
For me what some of you have said about selling your Cats if Cougarfest doesn't happen again, is missing the point, you buy the car to enjoy it, and the social side is a bonus, but owning the car just for the social side isn't the right reason to own the car.
Just my thoughts, which are powered by Fosters
, but valid none the less.