Hello Tim and as other have said it's good to see you on here - although not in the circumstances we would have liked. I trust that you will be encouraged by the support you have from all of us.
I echo Si's comment that we still hope that you will be part of our club life, your great friendship was appreciated by us all.
It's sad that this is your first post on the forum, you have both left a lasting, positive impression with this club, the void that you leave may never be filled.
Alan & Vonny (Pid_16V)
Andy & Karen (Quicksilver)
Dan (danmo)
Iain & Dan with Mark (mofo sob & charliecd001)
John & Kathy (everton2004)
Karen (In Stripes) (Topcat1127)
Kully (V6SINGH)
Mart & Maxine (dogsbody)
Matt (ginja)
Mike & George (cougar571)
Phil (phil robbo)
Richb & Ria_b
Rich Elliott (Relliott6879)
Rik & Denise (rikedwards)
Rob (bobster1982)
Steve and Rachel (Stribo)
Tony & Manos (In Goblin) (Topcat1127 & FlamencoAssassin)
Tim and Rachel (WildV6)
Viv (with Andy & Karen) (Aussiecat)
Si (scunnycougar)
Tony (lazybones)
Sorted this with work, I am now a definite. Like several others, I plan to wear a suit unless Tim requests otherwise. I have a blurple tie to wear, but will bring a black one with me too in case this is deemed inappropriate.
Yeah thankyou Tim, without you and Chris organising the events and being so organised in general, where would we be.
Ps. The list needs an edit in Rich B's post its been doubled up.
Ive been keeping quiet until now as i have been trying to arrange time to attend , but unfortunately i will not be able to make it on this date , i have a hospital appointment which i have been waiting for for the best part of 12 months and have been told by the hospital if i cancel this appointment i will go to the bottom of the list again .
This i find very frustrating ..... you would think the appointment could be simply shuffled around or something but i have been told categorically no .
So my heart felt apologies to Chris and Tim
And apologies to everyone who can make it .
I have been toying with the idea of attending also. I have even offered to pick up Paul, Wogans_wig or Dar on the way down. Unfortunately Paul can not get the time off work and I have not heard back from Dar. I have now decided that I will be attending even if it is on my own, it is a long way to travel, but, I feel that Chris deserves it. I will be travelling down the M1, so, will probably meet up with you guys at Trowell Services once you have decided on a time.