What do you think to this MOD

You know it mofo lol infact fatter than I have ever been.


Not an ounce of fat on him!:devilish::devilish::devilish:

TBH i think on most cougars they will look naff.

My opinion would be that they would look smart as on the cougar s kitted cars, or those with big kits on
I had problems with the auto up/down feature on mine as they were electric remember.
I did have problems with the door dropping over time but how much of that was down to the fitment, I don't know.
Yes they looked cool....especialy when operated by remote control, but yes, I wish I had left the doors alone......but then again there was lots I wish I had left alone.

I used to open the doors normally most of the time. As Jason said, not very wide, but wide enough for me to get in and out.




guess with the Cougar doors you need a hinge like something off a JCB they are that heavy (my mate said they were like wings)
Suicide doors opening backwards would be interesting, or even reverse opening sissor style (or like on a van, sliding backwards)
Not a fan off lambo doors remember the one in the probe club the guy was an engineer and made his own they opened right up clear off the door opening looked ok but i would rather have the suicied door option being a hot rodder at heart
I think the US Cougar in the pic looks awful I would have spent the money on wheels and suspension...

Shagmonkeys is a better advert for them, I think on his its plenty of room to get in and out even with my keg, although I am only 5'9!

Gull wing doors FTW boys... PID do you fancy knocking some together for me? :)