Not an owner yet, but soon to be

You'll definitely have a smile on your face, you won't be able to stop yourself looking at the reflection of your Cat in shop windows as you drive past.
I am sure I will, I have always loved the look of the Cougar - and seeing me sitting at the wheel will bring a smile to my face (y)
I've missed the lights when they been on green as been checking myself (the Coug) in the shop windows :yesnod::LOL:...Oops! drivers behind weren't impressed! :dita::LOL::LOL:
I've missed the lights when they been on green as been checking myself (the Coug) in the shop windows :yesnod::LOL:...Oops! drivers behind weren't impressed! :dita::LOL::LOL:

Probably because they were driving some bland shopping trolley.:ihih::ihih::ihih: