I'm not a fan of graphics, I usually find they 'clutter' a car. I don't particularly like white cars either, they seem to be back in vogue just of late and I've never seen the attraction. Coupled to this, they're now almost common, in much the way that silver cars were before the 'white revolution'. A friend of mine has just ordered a white A5 as his new company car, the day after he told me about it, boasting how exclusive it would look, I counted six white A5s in one 80 mile journey.
Somewhat bizarrely then, I actually quite like your original Photoshop, including the Cougar head graphic. Dare I say it (I'm probably going to be disowned for uttering such blasphemy) but even the orange side repeaters 'work' in this case. The silver of the graphic compliments the white paint and is a good example of 'just enough, but more would be too much'. I also like the contrast of the dark C1 lights, the black trim and number plate 'brick' and dark inserts between the spokes of the wheels against the bright white paint. I agree with your comments about the C2, not because of any C1/C2 favouritism but because the white colour just isn't as effective without the contrasting dark elements. I think the main reason I like this particular Cougar is because it's different, obviously non standard and the product of an enthusiast, but tasteful.
Go for it mate.
Somewhat bizarrely then, I actually quite like your original Photoshop, including the Cougar head graphic. Dare I say it (I'm probably going to be disowned for uttering such blasphemy) but even the orange side repeaters 'work' in this case. The silver of the graphic compliments the white paint and is a good example of 'just enough, but more would be too much'. I also like the contrast of the dark C1 lights, the black trim and number plate 'brick' and dark inserts between the spokes of the wheels against the bright white paint. I agree with your comments about the C2, not because of any C1/C2 favouritism but because the white colour just isn't as effective without the contrasting dark elements. I think the main reason I like this particular Cougar is because it's different, obviously non standard and the product of an enthusiast, but tasteful.
Go for it mate.