New member, bought my first Cougar.

Well despite me giving them the thumbs up earlier, while messing around with my Z3 earlier I discovered my Pipercross panel filter is slightly too large for the box, so when the box is clipped together it isn't actually quite shut properly. I hadn't noticed this when I fitted it and I don't think it is an issue, but it kind of smacks of either poor quality control, or them sending the wrong item without me noticing.
Well despite me giving them the thumbs up earlier, while messing around with my Z3 earlier I discovered my Pipercross panel filter is slightly too large for the box, so when the box is clipped together it isn't actually quite shut properly. I hadn't noticed this when I fitted it and I don't think it is an issue, but it kind of smacks of either poor quality control, or them sending the wrong item without me noticing.
Good thing you spotted that. Thanks for the heads up👍I purchased a Pipercross filter yesterday so hopefully it all goes well and fits correctly. If not it’ll be the K&N filter instead.
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