got bored today so did this to my cougar

No way! That would bug the living bejesus out of me! Mind you, this is coming from someone who's just spent an afternoon hanging pictures in the spare bedroom, measuring the precise millimetric position of each and every hook at least 5 times with a ruler and spirit level, before comitting hammer and nail to wall...

tch tch tch ....[Harry enfields voice] you don`t wanna do it like that ... you need a lazer level and drill and plug it and use a screw not a hammer and nail ... :frown2:
tch tch tch ....[Harry enfields voice] you don`t wanna do it like that ... you need a lazer level and drill and plug it and use a screw not a hammer and nail ... :frown2:

I have got a laser level, one of the most useful bits of kit I ever bought! :LOL: I think drilling and screwing would be a little excessive, the picture hooks come supplied with nails after all. I've used two hooks on the larger pictures but none of them are massively heavy.
Looking good there Neil. I'm going to attack mine when the better weather comes........I say when....maybe it's more like...if!! lol Anyway, liking the engine bay - great job. What paint did you use btw ?
Looking very trick there Neil (y), did you spray the lower front grill in blue too & have you got any head on shots of the front showing the blue grills with the hood down, as I was toying with this idea for mine (in silver) when the weather improves.:)