my pics are in lincoln on my camera and I am in Brighton.
my pics are in lincoln on my camera and I am in Brighton.
You on your hols mate?...if so, why haven't you got your camera with you?? You know everyone would lovely to see the Pier! lol
Why would I want to go to a craphole like Brighton for a holiday ????????
been working there ..... yuk.
Good pics Phil (for some reason the last pic of my car wont load) its funny the way I start off at the front of the pack and graduly get further and further back as time goes by, I'm sure I was in wrong gear or something.....a Cougar AIN'T THAT slow??
View attachment 342
Had To Scan And Add The Pic From Silverstone. haha looks cleaner in the pic than on the day, haha :yesnod: