Finally did it

Hi ElGuapo and welcome to the home of the Cougar, the only place you need for all things Cougar related. Pay your 13 quid subs and get access to everything you need. The best 13 quid you will ever spend on your Cat.
Already payed my membership, so is the car.
Changed my Avatar and signature (doesn't work yet I guess).

Insurance and registration tomorrow, tank full of gas and a trunk of cigarettes.... Let's hit it!
Piced the cat up today. Here's some pictures, maybe some more tomorrow. (daylight)
Read the manual and found out about all gizmo's, buttons, lights.
There's even a CD-changer in the boot. Bugger it doesn't work and the radio display is blank. See if I can fix that.

Man, this cat roars! Lovely sound.


We went out to buy a sewing machine today, ended up in a car store looking at a cheapo VW 1.6 and a Alfa 156 1.8TS for the missus, and decided to buy the mint red Cougar 24V in the corner instead.

Just one of those days when things turn out very different than expected.

We've been running around cougars, 406/407 coupés, probes, XK and XKR's 320 coupés for a while but today we decided this was the best VFM.

We hope to find lots of technical info and support on this UK forum like the oter UK TLzone (Suzuki TL1000R owners forum) because the dutch forums are mostly useless.

We're up North in the Netherlands, Hoornsterzwaag to be exact.

We don't have pictures yet because it's still in the shop, and we shook hands with the salesman only two hours ago.
Next monday it's got APK (Dutch MOT), insurance and we're ready to roll.

So no pictures yet, but I felt like the first thing to do was to join a forum and find some manuals and stuff. The car was on the bridge so my hands are already itching to fix something. Doesn't matter what.:eek:ut:

I already noticed another forum member also owning a Suzuki TL1000R. Coincidence?

Welcome to both clubs lol am also a member on TLzone, coincidence? definitely lol, but it is THE only bike to own hahaha, good choice on the cat Veeeeeeeeeeerrrrry nice(y) TLR2tone on TLzone:yesnod:
What a warm welcome. Updated my signature for the occasion but it doesn't seem to work.

Have you put a tick in the box at the right of your sigpic to say that's what you want to use? You can preview your sig before accepting it (y)