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Cougarfest venue 3-5th august 2018

As soon as the bt openreach engineer has finished doing what he has to do and gone I'll finish packing and the car and I'll be on my way hope everyone has a safe journey and shall see you all soon x

Sent from my SM-A320FL using Tapatalk
Have a great time, I look forward to the pictures.

And remember, more than 2 units in a 24hr period is binge drinking, so..... yeah. 1 pint / day tops okay? :beer:
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I'm just going to take Tiger down to Roni's, but will bring some detailing stuff.

Setting off from here at about 2:30, so should be there by about 5...

Are you brining any undersealing stuff. Would be very interested in seeing a demonstration of that being applied (assuming the site conditions allow for it).
Have a safe trip everyone.
Looks like the weather is perfect for camping, maybe even a little too hot so don't forget the sun cream and drink some water in between beers.
Sorry again I can't be there.
Looking forward to seeing the photos.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and look forward to seeing the photos and hearing about the new venue. :beer:

The forum will make a contribution towards paid-up members expenses of £5.00/night which I will sort out next week via PayPal. (y)
Thats us home and now at the pub lmao.
Just want to say Thanks for Phil organising this and Mick for the suggestion!
It was a fantastic place run by people who stand for the same values as this club, nothing was too much effort for them.
It has been a fantastic weekend and it was nice to be able to bring the tribe along.
Have a safe return journey all and see you soon!
Been home for about 45 minutes after what turned out to be a great run home. I know those "smart" motorways are hated, but I have to be honest and say that - today at least - the speed management through Birmingham kept everything flowing, without bunching up. Total travel time for the 125 miles was 2 hours, 10 minutes.

I totally echo what Ricky said; it's a great venue, and Steve & Sandra could not have been more welcoming, generous and accommodating.

I'm going to start a pictures thread shortly. This year I managed to take a lot more pictures of people, (which I'm not very good at) so at least we'll have some meatbag interest as well as our metal babies.

Ricky: I have a few lovely (not to mention hilarous) pictures of your kids, prior to them running around like a pack of demented nudists. Are you okay with me posting them? If not I can send them to you directly.
That's me home safe and sound. I second what Ricky said fabulous place enjoyed the whole weekend thanks Matt and Chris for the help with putting the tent down. I'm still a little sore from being sun cooked lol. I enjoyed it never the less.

Sent from my SM-A320FL using Tapatalk
Truly excellent weekend. Everything we do just gets better and better, how can you fault such a clean and peaceful place, brilliant company and as for the weather it couldn't have been any better. As always it was great to see everyone and just to relax, exactly what I needed.
I went home cross-country via the A49, not a particularly fast ride but beautiful countryside. Camping in storage ready for next year:giggle::LOL:
Many thanks to all who welcomed, assisted or fed me over the weekend and didn't take the mickey out of my tent too much:LOL: