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Rewolf said:

Im going to hand this one over for the best caption competition


Dave - "So just how much money do i need for the same ? "

Hahahahaha!!! That is so....ohwait....NO!!! I DIDN'T!!!
Did I?

I'm going to go check my wallet to see if I ended up with more cash than I went into CF with.
Prostheta said:
Rewolf said:

Im going to hand this one over for the best caption competition


Dave - "So just how much money do i need for the same ? "

Hahahahaha!!! That is so....ohwait....NO!!! I DIDN'T!!!
Did I?

I'm going to go check my wallet to see if I ended up with more cash than I went into CF with.

No, you slept with Kully and he Rolled you! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
think it was great to see the REAL Jamie duff and not the miserable imposter we usually hear from :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Only kidding dude good to see everyone having fun.
Richb said:
Prostheta said:
Rewolf said:

Im going to hand this one over for the best caption competition


Dave - "So just how much money do i need for the same ? "

Hahahahaha!!! That is so....ohwait....NO!!! I DIDN'T!!!
Did I?

I'm going to go check my wallet to see if I ended up with more cash than I went into CF with.

No, you slept with Kully and he Rolled you! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

EErrrrrrrr................ok, don't recall that, and I was awake all Saturday night, and aware of what I was doing, however I do recall Carl going for a kip with a Cortina!!!!!!!! Campsite security? Being carried back? Walking into the side of the marquee?? Oh yeah and donuting his car through the field behind us at 3am before stashing it in the marquee!!!!!!!!!

(Only joking about the donuting!!)
Richb said:
Sure it wasn't Camp security?..................................... :eek:


Oh how you know me so well!! That is exactly what I wrote the first time, when I previewed it and read it through, I thought to myself that you would be straight in there with a gag, so I changed it to "campsite" with a rough idea that you would probably edit my post or similar :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
There's a story behind that but I won't bore you with it. I didn't want to post them backside about face. I was going to say arse but I have stopped all swearwords now! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
160 ! ! ! ! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Go on Rich post the lot up, keep us busy until the fest 2007 :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
The truth of the matter is that I don't have all of them at the moment, matt (cougarfella) has 88 on his hard drive and will be forwarding them to me shortly.
I've got 184 on my camera and can't find the lead to hook it up to my pc!! There's another 20 or so on my phone which I'm sorting through and editing so that they're suitable for on here!!
My my how do i top what has gone before..... :?:

well we will start with some stills shall we..... :arrow:


Braver man than me....god only knows what the people in the travel inn thought was going on

Part of the Midland line up....we did end up with 2silver,2blurple & 2black :!:

The rowdy end as kully put it :LOL:

bionic Jamie holds a cougar aloft with one hand while removing hub with other.....wonder if he realised stewart was pressing down on the door

Mistress Maria.....i was shaking when i took this :wink:

The king ...."ahu thank you very much"... :LOL:

Kully attemts a TopGear mod on Neils car.....convertable anyone?

Scumacher takes his place

But he aint the STIG ....aka.Rod

And he aint as good as Angelman cornering like he was on rails

and now some Video's [i'm unsure if these will work] :?

Excuse the quality i was trying to preserve space on my camera :roll:
In the Begining

This sums up the atmosphere i think

Westwood 8)

The Line Up

Would you buy a second hand motor from this bloke? :wink:

Some say he wears bermudas & carrys a hand bag....we know him as the STIG aka: Rod

Hope they work