Cat2 ready for first outing

Just a leaky boot (still can't find the source) to sort out
My leaky boot was caused by one of the plastic air vent things below the rear light. It was cracked and therefore loose and only caused a trickle of water to come in but it doesn't take long for the water to build up.

I replaced it with one from a scrappy. Mk1/2 Mondeos use the same part.
Kully, excuse my 'thickness' but what is the 'boot striker loop?'

(Kully correct me if I'm wrong mate) Si, the "Boot striker loop" is the part of the locking mechanism that the boot closes down and locks onto. From what Kully has said he has lowered the loop slightly so when the boot closes, it does so all the way to the seal. The striker plate if sat a little proud can cause the boot lid to sit a little higher than it should. I hope that I have explained this ok :rolleyes5:
Sorry chaps, I worded it slightly wrong, must have been asleep when I wrote it lol!! Open the oot, look down, remove the plastic panel, undo the catch, 2 Torx I think, only enough to drop it slightly, tighten up again and try closing boot. Check alignment and hope it cures leak ;)

Hope that it explains it better ;)