Some good pics there .... I'm sure i'd have taken more but I kept seeing a white volvo with blue and yellow checks on it in my rear veiw mirror...not good when your parked on double yellows on a bend and in a bus lane
(dont mention jumping red lights and obstructing box junctions
) many points do I have?
V6 Lee's nice Blurple Cat ... nice wheels
All the cats in a row at the pub before the off
Nice veiw of the Toll-bridge from the pub...and yes that is a ducking stool for witches (Bath is a bit behind the times
Cougar club members enjoying a drink before the off (Andy-Quicksilver & Family + Viv)
Cats in a row in Bath (no we arn't double parked honest....):angel:
The Cresent in all its glory
Chris (warthog) and Alan (pid-16v) cats
Some good pics from the end of the cresent
(Left to right) Warthog, Alan, Viv, kay, Iain, Me
wouldnt want to fall in there in a hurry :stop:
Beckfords Tower (2nd group missed ou on this treat)
Andys son Matt climbing the tower
At the top
and the view