Youtube - removed sound from vid


Club Member
Feb 2, 2008
Devon, UK
Hi All,

Think this is more for John than anyone else, but I went onto youtube to watch the video that John took "UKCougar Track Action - Castle Combe 2012" - this video:

Only to find that youtube have removed the sound because the owner of the audio track said it was in breach of copyright:

This video previously contained a copyrighted audio track. Due to a claim by a copyright holder, the audio track has been muted.

I wondered if it was possibly for John to put back the sound of the cars etc. without the music backing track?

Cheers, Tim
You can buy track sessions Stacey, but unlike more focussed 'track days' the driving is often pretty ropey.

I wouldn't take my car out there, as a relative novice at that sort of thing I prefer proper organised days where you are grouped by abilty rather than thrown in by chance with Tarquin in his Dads TVR.
can we race our cars on the track at Castle Combe?! o_O I don't know if I trust myself to, the Colin Mcrae in me might come out lol

Yes Stacey you can track your car at Combe. They usually offer 'early bird' pre-booked sessions for £30 rising to £40 on the day if any are still available. The sessions usually last for 15-20 mins depending on any incidents or accidents. Your own crash helmet or one hired from the circuit are obligatory.
I'll put up all the details in the Castle Combe thread as and when I get them.
Hi All,

Think this is more for John than anyone else, but I went onto youtube to watch the video that John took "UKCougar Track Action - Castle Combe 2012" - this video:

Only to find that youtube have removed the sound because the owner of the audio track said it was in breach of copyright:

This video previously contained a copyrighted audio track. Due to a claim by a copyright holder, the audio track has been muted.

I wondered if it was possibly for John to put back the sound of the cars etc. without the music backing track?

Cheers, Tim

The vid that Chris (Warthog) and Tim did at Snetterton, the one i edited/spliced etc. I put Steppenwolf on that, put it on youtube and that was removed for the same reason so i took it back and somehow, don't ask me how but i did get around it.

If you remember
Hi All,

Think this is more for John than anyone else, but I went onto youtube to watch the video that John took "UKCougar Track Action - Castle Combe 2012" - this video:

Only to find that youtube have removed the sound because the owner of the audio track said it was in breach of copyright:

This video previously contained a copyrighted audio track. Due to a claim by a copyright holder, the audio track has been muted.

I wondered if it was possibly for John to put back the sound of the cars etc. without the music backing track?

Cheers, Tim

Hadn't even realised this. How petty....considering the millions of full music videos and albums on YouTube, you think they would focus on them rather than a 30 second sample on a trackday vid. Typical.....going to the "easy targets" as usual :rolleyes:
You can buy track sessions Stacey, but unlike more focussed 'track days' the driving is often pretty ropey.

I wouldn't take my car out there, as a relative novice at that sort of thing I prefer proper organised days where you are grouped by abilty rather than thrown in by chance with Tarquin in his Dads TVR.

I know that this is off-topic for the thread title, but hope no-one minds me chiming in.

Coombe is one of the first events of the year, and as such there's a lot of people out on track getting used to the experience again. Some of them are pretty salty, and some of them will be out-driving their ability or their car's capabilities, as you rightly say. It's also earlier this year, so the weather is likely to be a bit more variable. I've said all that before so I'll add:

I like to think of myself as a good driver. Don't we all? Someone who knows himself and his car. I don't drive Tiger, I wear her. Ahem. But the fact is that I know my limitations and also Tiger's (and she probably won't be getting a brake upgrade before then...) and that means that I don't want to risk;

1) Going out on track with a bunch of armco-hunting herberts or
2) Going out on track with people in considerably faster cars who know exactly what they're doing and spoiling their enjoyment.

I do drive on track, but only at single-marque events where I know the people I'm going to be going balls-out next to.